

Writing Support From NAU's Interdisciplinary Writing Program


December 2015

Much Ado About Editing


Share your work.

Nothing is more advantageous to the writer than having a fresh set of eyes review their work. Even if your reader is not as informed on the topic, or in no way understands how you wield such nice sounding words, a fresh perspective and interpretation can assist in editing.

Not only is your work being reviewed for simple mechanical errors like typos or an extra word or two, but sometimes a second reader will notice errors you have overlooked even after self-editing. As the writer, you spend so much time and energy attempting to fit a world of information into 4-15 pages that having someone take a second look can go a long way. Keep in mind that your reader’s feedback is valuable (if they’ve done your work a proper revision) in the sense that they are not as immersed in the topic as you may be and that there interpretation can help point you in the right direction for editing, finishing the paper, or simply working through murky areas of the paper that you no longer wish to spend anymore time one.

As painful as it can be to share pages of what you have been working hard at, nothing could hurt more than submitting a piece that does not flow well, drifts from its intended purposes, and is riddled with various typos and quick fixes.

Share your work.

Interesting Word

Irresolute – showing or feeling hesitant, doubtful, uncertain.

He lay awake staring at the ceiling, irresolute, questioning the trajectory of the day and where life would lead him.


Spot was irresolute, unable to decide if he was a good boy, or if his owners were lying to spare his feelings.


Interesting Word


Esoteric – intended for or likely to be understood by a niche audience of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

Dr. Anatinus’s many theoretical papers on the duck-billed platypus were received well by an audience of platypus enthusiasts but were considered mostly unintelligible by less esoteric crowds.

Brad Manley wrote an esoteric book on tank top theory which was bought by his parents and best friend Dr. Chad Chadly who had a Phd in fashion.

Word of the Week

Subterfuge – noun – stratagem or deceit employed to reach one’s goal,  withhold secrets, or escape a consequence.

Rick and Morty were deterred by the intergalactic council, the subterfuge of their disguises proving futile in the face of full body scanners.

The cunning subterfuge of Keyser Söze , an enigmatic lord of crime posing as a disabled petty thief, protected his identity. a159f00edd

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