

Writing Support From NAU's Interdisciplinary Writing Program


December 2016

How to Expand a Sentence

It can be easy to fall into the habit of simple sentence writing, but don’t be boring. Becoming a great writer requires the ability to be descriptive and creative in order to draw in the reader. If  you are stuck on how to make a sentence pop or stretch it out to really make it memorable, try practicing these strategies.

Using questions (Who, What, Where, When, Why) can help you elaborate on a topic to its full potential:

WHO? My fluffy kitten

IS DOING WHAT? My fluffy kitten took a nap

WHEN? Last night, my fluffy kitten took a nap

WHERE? Last night, my fluffy kitten took a nap in her custom fleece hammock

WHY? Last night, my fluffy kitten took a nap in her custom fleece hammock after spending all day chasing butterflies at the park.


Tips for expanding a sentence:

  • Combine sentences: 2 ideas of equal importance can be made into one sentence
  • Use Adverbs: She peacefully slept… He suddenly realized…
  • Use Adjectives: The youngest brother had a brilliant idea…Our vacation was full of exciting new adventures…
  • Use transition words: Meanwhile, Therefore, In addition to, As a result, Then, Consequently, In contrast 
  • Add prepositions: During the ceremony, she abruptly got up and left before anyone could have a chance to realize the truth about why she was there in the first place. 
  • Avoid common words: Using a thesaurus or even google can be a good tool to adding and using new and more creative words in your writing

How to Avoid Common Writing Errors in Essays


Next time you go to write an essay, try to put yourself in your professor’s shoes. Don’t be that person who shows laziness through their writing. There are plenty of common mistakes that are easily avoidable, especially if you are aware of them next time you sit down to power out that essay.

Write to impress! Here are some tips for setting yourself apart from the usual common error crowd when writing an essay:

  • AVIOD CONTRACTIONS: [Can’t, Won’t, Didn’t, etc.] This is scholarly writing, not conversational dialogue. You are not writing a blog or a letter to your friend, so peel those words apart and make them two for a more professional tone! Note: sometimes it’s ok to use contractions as long as they don’t overwhelm the reader.
  • AVIOD SLANG: [Cool story bro..] This mistake hurts your voice as a writer. If you are trying to convince your professor that you don’t care about the essay or your grade, this is the best way to do it! Words and phrases of this nature should be 100% avoided in essay writing. Instead look up scholarly words that give the same meaning in a more academic and professional manner.
  • AVIOD USING “I”: [I agree with the author that…] If your professor wants your opinion in an essay, they will ask for it in the prompt. Otherwise, the general rule here is to avoid using “I” statements because it affects the overall appearance and stance of your essay.
  • STAY ON TOPIC: [This reminds me of how one time my friend Susie had a similar experience to this…] We have all been guilty of going off on a tangent before, but keep your prompt and task in mind until the essay is finished. Save your ramble or vent session for your journal.
  • STICK TO THE FACTS: [ Virginia Woolf was the greatest English writer of all time..] Sometimes, it can be easy to start being overdramatic in your writing to make it sound better or sound the way you want it to. The best tip to remember is don’t dramatize and don’t make assumptions. Your audience may not feel the same way that you do.

Commonly Overused Words in Writing

When editing, challenge yourself to eliminate words that are used too often.

Words matter in writing. They can make your writing strong or make it weak. Many times, it can be easy to fall on to crutch words [very, really, went, just, seem, there, etc.] instead of taking the time to be more descriptive and creative to make your writing more captivating. Focus on wanting to intrigue readers. Here are some commonly overused words by writers and how to fix them:

  • “stuff” 

Use this word sparingly. Hands-down, it’s a lazy word. Try a more descriptive noun depending on the context it is being used in. Ex: Her suitcase was packed with stuff that she could not bare to leave behind. -> Her suitcase was packed with memories and books that she could not bare to leave behind. 

  • “things” 

This is a non-desciptive word that can easily be replaced. Ex: After taking one last look around, she grabbed her things and left. -> After taking one last look around, she grabbed her last usable suitcase and left. 

  • “got”

This word has ‘got’ to stop being used so often! Especially because there are so many other ways to use it. Ex: She got up the next morning, got her coffee ready, and got her mind in the right place to tackle the day.-> She woke up the next morning, sipped on her coffee, and gathered her thoughts in order to tackle the day ahead. 

  • “went”

Try to exchange it for another word more often than not. Ex: She went to the train station and bought the first ticket out of the town she had called home for so long.-> She hurried to the train station…

  • “was”, “were”, “is”, “are”, “am”

These words have easy fixes. It can be helpful to look up synonyms in place of these especially because they can go unnoticed in writing. A strongly written story will give words like these much more meaning. Ex: We were at the scene when we heard her say why she was there in the first place. -> We had just arrived at the scene when we heard her say why she had been lurking there in the first place. 


What’s the Difference: Point of View in Writing

Point of View (POV)

Storytelling. If you’re going to do it, do it right. Using POV incorrectly can affect the way that a story is told by the author and received by the reader. Being aware that this is a common mistake can keep you from damaging your own writing. So, what are the rules about 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person POV?


1st person: (I, Me, My, or We) The main character is telling the story, is in the story, and relating his or her experiences directly. This is an advantage so that the reader can be inside the main characters head and be able to tell what they’re thinking and feeling (but be careful not to spend too much time here). Be aware that on the flip side, the reader may not be able to tell what other characters are thinking or feeling. The final rule here is to try to make sure the narrator is likable and not boring so readers will stick around until the end of the story.

2nd person: (You, Your, or Yours) The author is talking directly to the reader. The story is being told to you. For example: when your teacher is talking to the class, he/she is using 2nd person POV. 2nd person is typically more common in nonfiction than in fiction, but simply put, YOU become the protagonist, YOU carry the plot, and YOUR fate determines the story.

3rd person: (He/She, His/Hers, They) It’s often an unbiased view of the characters and events. The narrator is outside the story and relating the experiences of the main character(s), and has access to the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. The author in 3rd person POV is telling the story in a way that enables them to dive into the heads of multiple characters, being careful not to switch characters too quickly.

Most importantly, once you pick a point of view to use in your writing, you are stuck with it! Be consistent or you’ll risk ruining what could have been a best selling story. 


What better way to improve your writing skills than to write? Getting your thoughts out on paper can have a range of benefits. Stereotypes have tried to diminish the idea of a “diary”, but it doesn’t have to be a book with your deepest secrets and feelings hidden in it waiting for someone to find it journaling-reduces-stressand expose you (i.e. ‘burn book’ in Mean Girls). Journaling can be anything from brainstorming, recording things to remember, letting thoughts flow out, to having an outlet for clearing your mind. If you are on the fence about adding journaling into your daily routine, consider these reasons to start writing everyday:

  • Journaling improves your IQ and intelligence. It improves your vocabulary by acting as an exploration of language. It also improves emotional intelligence by allowing you a deeper connection to process and manage your feelings.
  • Evokes mindfulness and improves mental health overall. It gets you actively engaging with your thoughts, bringing you into the present moment, reducing anxiety, and making you more alert and aware. The ‘cleansing’ aspect of writing is a huge stress reliever!
  • Helps you to reach your goals. Writing down your goals can help it act as a psychological blueprint, which in turn, can increase the likelihood that goals are achieved.
  • Boosts memory and comprehension. Composing thoughts, creating ideas, and turning these into words gives your brain a workout and strengthens your cognitive recall.
  • Improves communication skills. Written thoughts translate into spoken conversation and actual vocalization.
  • Sparks creativity. Write without thinking and see how this tool can put you into a creative mindset. Let your imagination wander and record the journey.
  • Improves self-confidence. Writing about positive experiences can improve your self-esteem and mood as you practice reflecting on experiences that made you happy.

These are just some of the many benefits that can come with taking just 5 minutes a day to write, write, write! You might be surprised how other areas of your writing become improved over time. Get rid of the old ‘diary’ and start a new journey with the adult version: journaling.


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