

Writing Support From NAU's Interdisciplinary Writing Program



How to Spark Creativity and Get Writing Inspiration

We’ve all run into days when writing is impossible and our minds do not want to offer up any ideas. Instead of just staring at the wall waiting for a ‘light-bulb’ moment, there are plenty of ways that you can spark creativity and put yourself on the right track to being inspired.


Get back your creative energy flow: Remember that this part of your mind is present all the time, sometimes it might just be in vacation mode.

  • Meditate: Giving your best effort to clear your mind even for just a few minutes a day can help unleash your dreamer side and increase your attentiveness.
  • Go for a walk: This can stabilize your emotions, activate creativity, and help with focus.
  • Journal: Letting your thoughts flow out onto paper can inspire breakthroughs. Keep an idea book of your observations and thoughts as they come at random times.
  • Pay attention to ideas that materialize while you are in the shower! This environment seems to be a common breakthrough chamber.
  • Record your dreams: Tracking and remembering your dreams can give you a great source of inspiration. This gets your brain thinking outside the box and gives you some insight to your creative side. This includes daydreaming as well!
  • Change up your routine: Habits are not a challenge for your mind. Go travel! Exploring the unknown can push you out of your comfort zone and spark creativity.
  • Use mind maps or vision boards: Visually connect your thoughts and ideas by putting it on paper however you see it in your mind. This is great for brainstorming and problem-solving.
  • Art and music: Looking at art and listening to music has been shown to activate the part of the brain that uses creative thinking.

Get Inspired: Basically anything can serve as sources of writing inspiration, the list is endless, and it’s up to you to find your light-bulb moment.

  • Blogs, books, poetry, magazines, movies, art, forums, and music
  • Eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, people-watch, and talk to friends
  • Social media and quotes
  • History and travel
  • Nature and exercise
  • Free-writing and brainstorming



Research Tips

Don’t panic! Conducting research doesn’t have to be intimidating. In fact, we conduct research in our everyday lives. You are probably already a research pro and your skills are just waiting to shine in your next paper. How often do you find yourself googling your way out of an argument? Granted, writing a successful paper requires a bit more effort, but here are some tips to help get you started with your research:

  1. Choose a topic or research question you are interested in. You’d be surprised how much more fun it can make the research process. No one wants to spend hours researching how paper is made when you could be getting captured into the readings of what interests you most! This will ensure your work is complete and thorough.
  2. Set aside time for your research, and make a plan to stick with it. Write this plan down; write it on your walls, on your cat, on your friends, and stick with it forever.
  3. During your research time, locate relevant information using CREDIBLE and recent sources. Not sure if a source is credible? Use the CRAAP test to find out!
  • Currency (When was it published? Ideally, this should be within the last 5 years)
  • Relevance (Does the information pertain to your topic or question?)
  • Authority (Who is the author or publisher? What are their credentials?)
  • Accuracy (Where does the information come from and has anyone else reviewed it?)
  • Purpose (Why does this information exist and who is it intended for?)

4. Organize your thoughts. Try making an outline, flow chart, or even drawing a picture!

spongebob    5. Take a deep breath if you are starting to feel overwhelmed. Write up a draft and have some peers look it over for feedback. If you get writer’s block, take a break, have a snack, and come back to the process when you are ready. But do not procrastinate!

    6. Make the necessary changes and finalize your paper. Don’t forget to include your reference page in list form alphabetically by author’s last name.

    7. Turn it in on time. And remember, the more time you spend researching, the easier it will become! Pretty soon you will be a book of knowledge just waiting to answer questions and solve the mysteries of the world with your research skills.

Word of the Week

Apt (adj.): appropriate or suitable to the given circumstances.

e.g. Bob was apt to confuse deer with elk because they looked the same and he had never been outside.

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