

Writing Support From NAU's Interdisciplinary Writing Program



Interesting Word


Esoteric – intended for or likely to be understood by a niche audience of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

Dr. Anatinus’s many theoretical papers on the duck-billed platypus were received well by an audience of platypus enthusiasts but were considered mostly unintelligible by less esoteric crowds.

Brad Manley wrote an esoteric book on tank top theory which was bought by his parents and best friend Dr. Chad Chadly who had a Phd in fashion.

Word of the Week

Subterfuge – noun – stratagem or deceit employed to reach one’s goal,  withhold secrets, or escape a consequence.

Rick and Morty were deterred by the intergalactic council, the subterfuge of their disguises proving futile in the face of full body scanners.

The cunning subterfuge of Keyser Söze , an enigmatic lord of crime posing as a disabled petty thief, protected his identity. a159f00edd

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